Clarity: Your Top-5 Core Values “Palette” Revealed

Top-5 Core Values Photo by Luis Del Rio Camacho on Unsplash
Photo by Luis Del Rio Camacho on Unsplash

Great painters know the importance of selectively limiting a palette in order to achieve both unity and mastery in a work of art.

It’s no different when it comes to painting on the canvas of our lives.

You and I have the potential to create experiences which are truly works of art. Do that repeatedly, and your journey through is world becomes a masterpiece.

A beautifully aligned and fulfilling life requires that we decide upon, know, and act from our core values “palette”.

Easier said than done!

In this short video, I explain why determining your top-5 core values list is both crucial and hugely beneficial. As one who struggled for years at narrowing my own core list, I also share a technique I’ve learned for doing it effectively.

Video highlights:

  • A relevant story from ancient Greece – with a kick
  • One of the main reasons why smart and caring high-achievers engage in coaching and learn to create at a whole new level
  • A book that changed my life many years ago, when I didn’t even know what tools I was searching for
  • Lines from a poem I still love
  • A technique to help you clarify and narrow your core values palette so that you can create the masterpiece you are meant to live.

And yes. All in 15 minutes.


Robin Blackburn McBride first name signature sign off

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4 thoughts on “Clarity: Your Top-5 Core Values “Palette” Revealed

  1. Awesome teaching, Robin! Thank you for inspiring us to take the time to identify our core values. I really appreciated you breaking it down with practical examples!

  2. Hello!

    Great video!

    Such a perfect explanation of the feeling of overwhelm… “not living within one’s values” – This makes perfect sense.

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